15th Dec

Humour In Advertising

Humour is a tool that has been used since the dawn of advertising’s conception. People love things that are funny and we are naturally attracted to humour. The funny person at the party is always the one that has people gathered around them listening. Humour gets attention and advertisers understand this very well.

This is because advertising that uses humour is generally more effective at impacting viewers.

“In North America, where humour is used more than in any other region, 69 percent of ads in the top impact (Awareness Index) quintile are humourous (i.e., funny or light-hearted), versus only 44 percent in the bottom

Humour is used in over fifty percent of ads on television. This alone shows the power that humour holds as an advertising technique. It can make an ad more enjoyable; engaging and help people remember it better. However, if used incorrectly, humour that misses the mark can do more damage than if there was no humour at all.

An ad with poor humour is usually interpreted as irritating or just plain boring. Choosing the right kind of humour is difficult because humour is subjective, and what is funny to one person may not be funny to another. Advertisers must ensure that the majority of their target audience will find their ad funny if they want to make an impact.

An interesting element of the humour-advertising paradigm is how humour relates to branding. A crucial rule when using humour in branding advertisements is that the humour has to relate to the brand being advertised. So in one way or another, the brand itself has to be intimately woven into the humour of the ad.

Why is this so?

If an ad is funny but is unrelated to the brand it is advertising, then the viewer will be entertained but will not remember which brand the ad was for. You have probably seen these kinds of ads before. The ad is really funny and entertaining, and then suddenly at the end there is a quick flash of the brand that the ad was for. You may have asked yourself, “What does that ad have to do with cleaning products?” These ads are the problem; because you will soon forget which product the ad was for and then go on about your day. In these cases, all the ad did was entertain you for thirty seconds and that’s it.

An example of humour and branding being done right is the famous ‘Old Spice’ ad series. These ads were very funny and entertaining, but most importantly they made the brand the centre of the ad. You could not watch that ad without remembering the name ‘Old Spice.’ The brand was the hero.

The risks of humour

One of the risks of trying to be funny is that you end up being offensive instead. Advertising is all about getting attention, and sometimes when you are trying to get attention, you push things to the limit and can end up offending viewers.

One example of this was the 2014 ‘Generation Lamb’ advertisement featuring Sam Kekovich for Australian Lamb. The ad was seen as offensive to vegan and vegetarian viewers, because it portrayed them as weak and un-Australian for their food choices. One could argue that in this case, they didn’t really alienate their target audience, but none the less it did stir up some unwanted controversy around the campaign.

As social norms and rules change, so will the type of humour that is used in advertisements. Ads tend to play with the societal structures in place at the time of their conception, so we can often see a direct correlation between what we see on TV, and what is happening in society at the time.

9th June

The Benefits Of Billboards

There are many great examples of billboard advertising worldwide, but one that captured a lot of media attention was when Audi ran an outdoor campaign that was constructed on a busy highway promoting the Audi A4, with a headline that read “Your move, BMW”. BMW’s response was to construct an even bigger billboard next to it with the headline that simply read, “Checkmate”, with a photo of the M3. Simply brilliant!

The unique power of those billboard ads (and indeed, all billboards) lies in their tactile nature. Unlike some mediums such as TV or radio ads, which can often seem ethereal or ‘not real’, billboards on the other hand are physical structures that are part of the environment and our everyday lives, which constitute a part of our cultural landscape.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages and how to utilise them more effectively:

Some Interesting Stats:

  • 4 in 5 people notice billboards. (Nielsen CMV 2013; Driver Engagement Study)
  • 71% of believe Billboards are very effective at reaching them with advertising messages when they drive. (Nielsen CMV 2013; Driver Engagement Study)
  • 72% of billboard viewers actually shop on their way home and 68% make shopping decisions while in the car. (Arbitron National In-Car Study)
  • 32% of drivers visited a business they saw advertised on a billboard sometime during the same week. (Arbitron National In-Car Study)


  1. Visibility

    One of the biggest advantages of billboard marketing is its visibility. When placed in high-traffic areas such as busy highways or streets, you are guaranteed to get a high level of exposure to broad demographic of people. If the billboard is located in an area that is part of someone’s daily commute, there will be even more exposure to that person on a daily basis.
  2. Opportunity for Creative use

Most of the time, billboards are usually created with the same formula – a big picture with a headline. There is a large opportunity for businesses to stand out from the crowd by fully utilising the medium in ways that other businesses are not. Incorporating the surrounding environment into your billboard ad can turn it from something basic into something that people will not forget.

  1. Targeted Locations

Have you ever felt hungry while driving along a boring highway and then suddenly seen a billboard reading “McDonalds, 10 min ahead”? Most people would respond immediately by buying the food there and then. This is a benefit that billboard advertising has over other mediums. In many situations, the billboard can be positioned to display a product/service right next to the establishment that sells it. This takes advantage of people’s desires ‘in the moment’ and allows them to act on impulse with convenience.


  1. Messages must be quick and to the point

Because billboards are normally placed in high-traffic areas, they can only grab the attention of viewers for a short amount of time. Everything is competing for attention, so you better get your message across quickly if you want to engage your audience. This is where strong creativity comes into play – doing something that is memorable will result in more audience engagement.

  1. Outside forces

Billboards are out in the open, which means they are subject to rain, heat, cold and wind. In addition to this, they can also be subjected to vandalism. This is a factor that must be taken into consideration when choosing a location for a billboard. It is not favourable to your message or your brand if the billboard looks weathered or has been vandalised.

  1. Price

The pricing of billboards is heavily dependent on the location. High-traffic locations (which yield higher visibility) can be quite expensive and may not always be the most cost-effective way to get your message to your audience.

Billboards are still very much a viable medium for advertising. They provide advertisers and businesses with the opportunity to create eye-catching and engaging ads in the physical environment unlike any other forms of advertising.

Radio Leads

How To Generate Leads With Radio Advertising

At the heart of it, all advertising is about generating leads. Whether you are promoting on RadioTelevisionOnline or Print, ultimately you are employing lead generation strategies by influencing your target audience. However, the word ‘lead’ or ‘lead gen’ has become another one of those advertising buzzwords that are thrown around all too often without any real meaning. So in order to determine the best lead generation ideas (through radio), we need to first ask the question ‘what is a lead really?’

A lead is exactly what it sounds like – it is something that might lead to something else. A paying customer, a person who will promote your brand to others or even a stockist. All of these different leads are created by effective advertising. This blog is going to explain how to best utilise radio in order to generate leads.

If you check out our blog post “Radio Advertising Rates in Perth” you can see how different elements of radio advertising in Perth will influence the pricing of a radio ad. Following on from that blog, this blog is going to be explaining how to best utilise radio in order to generate leads.

See it here: https://www.adimpact.com.au/blog/factors-affecting-radio-advertising-rates-in-perth

Offer Something Special:

A great way to generate leads for your business through radio is to make people feel like they are getting a special benefit from just hearing your ad. When we say ‘benefit’ we aren’t referring to the benefits of your product or service (e.g. “cheapest in Perth” or “Best customer service” etc), we are referring to a specific benefit from having just listened to the ad.

An example of this might be that by signing up to your company’s website before the end of the month guarantees that your customers can get 10% off of their first purchase. Incentives like this on radio can be a driving force to creating leads because they create a sense of urgency in the listener.

Keep The Message Simple:

Radio is a frequency medium. This means that listeners need to hear the ad frequently in order to commit it to memory. This argument can be made for any form of advertising, because customers need to see any ad a number of times to remember it, but things are slightly different for radio.

This is because people are rarely just listening to the radio. The radio is normally something that is playing in the background as people are focusing on other things. People drive, work and clean their house while listening to the radio. As a result, their attention is split between multiple things – moreso than a television ad or a print ad.

So in order to ensure that your message gets remembered you need to keep it simple. Often we hear ads that try to cram three or four messages into one tight 30-second spot. The problem with this is that your listeners will just tune out or not remember what your ad was trying to say. For example, if you are promoting your new website, don’t try let people know your company’s history and the opening of a new product range all at the same time. Although this is tempting to do to hit multiple birds with one stone, it dilutes the message that you really want to get across. Listeners may leave the ad thinking that the new store is the most important takeaway of the ad instead of the website. Or worse, they might just blank out completely.

Keep it simple and memorable.

Choose The Right Station/s and Times.

As it is with any other medium, certain radio stations attract different kinds of listeners. For example, Nova generally attracts a younger audience, whereas 6PR attracts an older audience.

However, the demographic splits between stations are much more complex than just the ages of the listeners. Another big factor is the time of day that the radio ad is played. The morning drive will undoubtedly get more listeners than 10pm at night (but also be more expensive). A way big to determine how to generate leads is to be aware of when your target audience is going to be listening to the radio.

Lead generation marketing on the radio is not as complicated as some people make it seem. It really just comes down to making little tweaks to your radio strategy so that you can make a bigger impact on your audience.

If you would like to obtain a guide for radio media and production costs in Perth, then download our Checklist below:

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Radio Advertising Costs

How To Reduce Radio Advertising Costs

Radio advertising is a big favorite amongst business owners because it is affordable and effective. However for those that want to reduce costs even further, there are definitely ways of doing so.

  1. Write It Yourself

Charging a writer to create an advertisement definitely has its benefits. For one, they are more adept to crafting an ad that will resonate with the listener. There’s an art to writing a radio commercial that engages the listener, gives all the relevant details and has a call to action all within 30 seconds.

However if you do a little bit of research, you can probably manage writing one yourself. This will cut out some of the cost.

  1. Voice It Yourself

Voicing your own commercial will cut radio advertising costs pretty significantly. In Perth, a professional VO artist can cost anywhere between $400-$500 per 30sec commercial, so you can keep that in your pocket if you do it yourself.

Normally I’m against business owners doing their own commercials. One of the biggest talents that voice over artists have is that they are able to sound natural when speaking. Amateurs tend to sound more stiff and awkward over the radio, which hurts the message.

If the idea of voicing your own radio ad scares you, there is another alternative. Normally voice talent management agencies have people they are ‘trying out’ before adding them to their list of talent. These are people who are trying to get into voice over work, have a great voice, but little to no experience. If you ask one of these agencies if they are trying out new people at a discounted rate, they might let you use one of their people. Although it might take more time to get the right take, this can be a way to get a professional sounding ad while reducing radio advertising costs.

  1. Look For A Smaller Studio

Unfortunately, you can’t really cut corners with the recording process – you need to get a radio ad done at a professional recording studio. If you don’t its going make your ad sound remarkably lower quality and the sound levels will be off. Also the radio stations may refuse to run the ad.

However, you can look for a smaller recording studio or one that is still trying to get off the ground. Most recording studios that are just beginning usually offer discounted rates as they try to build their client base. Looking on sites like Gumtree or inquiring with university recording studios can help you find discounted rates.

In an ideal world, I would be against cutting radio advertising costs and opt for the higher quality option, which will give you far better results. But if you’re going to go for a more cost-effective option, take this advice into account and keep the quality as high as possible.

If you would like to obtain a guide for radio media and production costs in Perth, then download our Checklist below:

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Radio Advertising 4

Is Radio Advertising The Best Form Of Advertising?

Choosing the right medium to advertise on can be one of the most difficult things about the advertising process. Once you’ve settled on a budget you need to decide where to invest your advertising dollars.

“Do I spend it on online advertising? Print? RadioTV? A combination of all three perhaps?”

Unfortunately the answer is “it depends.” Factors such as your target audience can heavily influence the direction you should go in. However that being said, radio advertising has been referred to as “the best ‘pound-for-pound’ advertising medium available.” This means that taking all things into the equations (effectiveness, price, reach etc), radio advertising gives you the best bang for your buck.

Reason 1 – Radio Commands Attention

Radio is a unique medium in the sense that it commands attention like no other. Unlike mediums such as TV, where you can also be on your phone or talking to people at the same time, radio only has to share attention with 1 other activity – driving. Although some people still listen to the radio in other environments, the majority of the time spent listening to the radio is in the car.

This means that for thirty seconds, you have an opportunity to have your listener’s mostly undivided attention – something that is very hard to achieve nowadays. While people do tune out of boring ads, the potential for retention is very strong here.

Reason 2 – Radio Is Cost Effective

Radio advertising is actually a fairly cost effective form of advertising – especially in Perth and in regional areas. TV can be quite expensive, but it is the number one influencer on people’s opinions when it comes to advertising mediums. Print can be very cost effective in the right mediums, but is not as effective. However radio manages to hit the balance between the two very well.

Reason 3 – Radio Gets Results

In Australia, radio reaches up to 18 million people per week, with 10.1 million listening religiously every week. A 2014 Nielsen study that looked into the effectiveness of radio advertising uncovered some pretty convincing results. In the first study of its kind, the research found that each dollar of ad spend generated an average sales return of six dollars from the listeners in the 28 days after they heard the ads. If you would like to obtain a guide for radio media and production costs in Perth, then download our Checklist below:
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3rd Nov

How Does Food In Advertising Look So Good?

Back in 2011, Dominos Pizza released its now legendary “Show Us Your Pizza” campaign. The campaign was a response to the misleading advertising that had angered customers worldwide. Expecting to receive a delicious, picturesque pizza as shown in the commercials, many customers received an abomination with cheese stuck to the top of the box. So Dominos took a huge risk by creating a campaign that trashed their old product, admitting that they had done wrong and promised to do better. The campaign worked brilliantly.

However, this blog is not about turnaround campaigns like the one that Dominos employed. Rather, it is an exploration into an element of the original Dominos advertising. That element being, “How did they get the food to look so good on TV if it doesn’t look like that in real life?”

We would like to introduce you into the world of food styling. This blog will discuss three common food products that are advertised, and the tricks of the trade that makes them look so delicious in advertising.


Making a photo-perfect burger is a multi step process. Beginning with the burger patty. The burger patty needs to be cooked, but only for about 20 seconds on each side. This is to make it look like it is cooked, but not to remove too much moisture. The patty remains plump and avoids looking dried out.

Next is the patty’s the “grill marks.” In order to create the look of the seared lines that would appear if a burger was grilled, the food stylist heats a metal skewer to a red-hot heat and then presses it onto the patty. The food stylist will then press the skewer several times side-by-side until realistic grill marks are achieved.

Now the bun needs to be prepared. The food stylist will sort through dozens of burger buns, until they find the perfect size bun – not squashed or too small. The bun also needs to have the sesame seeds rearranged to look more even. The food stylist will use glue and forceps to reposition the seeds on the bun. They will also put a small piece of cardboard on the lower bun that will be used to hold the patty. This prevents the lower bun from getting soggy from the grease.

Now it’s time for the veggies and condiments. The food stylist will find the best pieces of lettuce, tomato etc. They are sprayed with glycerine – a form of sugar syrup – to keep the veggies looking moist but never actually becoming dry. The vegetables are pinned to the bun with toothpicks to position them perfectly. The camera doesn’t see this, because it is done at the part of the burger that is not facing the camera.

What results is an uncooked, glue-covered, toothpick-stuffed burger that is practically inedible but looks absolutely amazing.

Ice Cream

The key to making ice cream look amazing is simple – don’t use real ice cream. Ice cream is very difficult to work with in advertising shoots because it melts. This means that there is little time to set up a shot and have everything look perfect. The solution that many advertisers make is to create a mixture that resembles ice cream, but does not melt or change shape.

The ingredients used to make faux-cream is:

  • Vegetable Shortening
  • Butter Shortening
  • Food Dye (to match the colour of the desired ice cream ‘flavour’
  • Corn Syrup
  • Powdered sugar and
  • Glue (we will get to this later)

When you mix all of the above ingredients (except for the glue), you get a substance that looks somewhere between dough and clay. When you scoop it out with an ice-cream scooper, the substance creates little rips and ridges almost identical to real ice cream. Sometimes the food stylist will remove parts of the mixture to create the perfect “collar” of ice cream under the mound.

But, we all know that real ice cream melts. Although it is not good to have a huge amount of melted ice cream, a little bit looks appetising and realistic. This is where the glue comes in. The food stylist will mix white glue with a little bit of food dye, until it matches the colour of the ice cream. Then they will apply it gently to the sides of the faux-cream and around the base. Sometimes they will use other products such as yogurt.



With fast food Chicken advertising everywhere, you are bound seen one of the ads. These ads make chicken look so delicious, but little do people know that normally the chicken is raw underneath!

Wait. What?

Yeah, it’s raw. Or at the very least, very undercooked.

Now why is that?

When chicken is cooked, it loses a lot of its moisture and can look dried out as a result (at least in comparison to a raw chicken). Also, the skin will peel back in parts and the chicken will look imperfect on the camera. So in order to combat this problem, food stylists will brush the chicken with a brown colour paste. The paste gives the illusion that the chicken is cooked, and doesn’t wrinkle the chicken’s skin.

Next the chicken needs to have certain areas where it is more ‘cooked’ (such as the wing tips). The food stylist will create a thicker-concentration of brown colour paste, similar to a boot-polish consistency, and apply it to the areas.

Finally the chicken needs some herbs! This step is as simple as grabbing some herbs and sprinkling it over the uncooked chicken.

So next time you see delicious food advertisements you may be thinking, how did they make that look so good? But now you will be all the wiser.


Radio Marketing Tips For Small Business Success

Small business marketing requires a slightly different approach compared to marketing for bigger businesses. If you own a small business, you most likely require advertisement ideas suited to a smaller budget.

For these reasons, Radio is very well suited medium when marketing for small businesses. Radio can be more cost effective than other forms of media, and with a plethora of stations, it makes reaching your target audience much easier.

So let’s get into it! Here are our tips Radio marketing tips for small business success.

TIP 1: Use the ‘Local’ angle to your advantage

The fact that you are a small local business is something that can be used as a great selling point. What big businesses gain in wide reach they often lose in local specialisation, and you should use this to your advantage.

For example if your company builds woodfire ovens in Cockburn, the fact that you are located in Cockburn is a great benefit to the residents of Cockburn and surrounding areas. Make it a point that you are a trusted business in the area, and locals will see you as such.

TIP 2: Emphasize that you are a specialist in a certain area of your industry

When marketing a small business, a way to set yourself apart from other businesses (both big and small) is by emphasising the things that you specialise in. You might focus on the speed of your delivery, or the quality of your customer service, or that you perform a service that no other company can perform.

This tip goes beyond just a tactic for Radio, but also as something that should be part of your entire small business marketing plan as it is something you should always consider when you advertise your business.

Now just a point we want to touch on in relation to this – We are not advocating that you outright lie and make it seem like you specialise in some area when you do not. But if you do a certain aspect very well, then make sure people know.

TIP 3: Get your ads played on the right station at the right times

It is important to find the right stations when trying to market your radio ads. Especially if you are going with a local focus, you want to make sure that your ads are reaching the right people.

This comes down to understanding your target audience. Ask yourself questions like,

  • Who are they?
  • What is their age range?
  • What times will they most likely be listening to the radio?
  • What kinds of stations will they be listening to?

An advertising agency or media buyer can help you with these kinds of questions, as they have experience in this area. They understand the demographics of different radio stations and what setup would be best for your marketing plan.

We hope these tips help you learn how to promote your business through Radio in a simple, budget-friendly way.

If you would like to obtain a guide for radio media and production costs in Perth, then download our Checklist below:

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Hires 6

7 TV Advertisement Essentials

As people who work in Advertising, we constantly get asked the same question.

“What makes a good TV Advertisement?”

This question is tricky, because there isn’t really a clear-cut answer. TV Ads are good for a variety of reasons. Some are good because they look amazing visually, others are good because they are hilarious. However, it’s rare that a commercial on the level of Old Spice comes along that often.

But a TV Ad doesn’t have to be a knockout hit in order to be a good TV Ad. There are good TV Ads on TV every day. The thing that makes them good is that they sell their message effectively.

So before you start the process of making a new TV commercial, you should take at our top 7 TV Advertisement essentials.

  1. Strong CTA

A CTA (or Call-To-Action) is the message that an Ad sends to its viewers in regards to what they should do when the Ad is finished. A CTA might be to visit a website, call a phone number or to be safer while driving.

The important thing about a CTA is that the message is very clear. You only have people for 30 seconds, and you’ll be lucky if you have 5 seconds for the CTA.

So when you’re choosing your CTA, it’s important to avoid things that are unclear. For example, if you are giving out a website Address, then make sure that it isn’t a long-winded domain name.

  1. Easy To Understand

The Ad at its core needs to be understood by your target audience. Sometimes business owners or Advertising agencies try to go too highbrow with their approach and the idea ends up getting lost in the mix.

The best ideas are really simple. If you can explain your idea to a 5-year-old kid, you’re on the right track.

  1. Placement

Studies have proven that people are the most attentive during the beginning and the end of the Ad break. During the middle, people tend to do other things to pass the time (such as using their Smartphone). For this reason, it is wise to try and get the best Ad placement possible.

It will cost more to do this, but it is worth every penny. At the root of everything, you are Advertising to reach as many of the right people as possible. If you’ve gone far enough to get to the booking stage, you might as well go all the way.

  1. Don’t Overload

If you have a lot of things that you want to say in your Ad, it can be tempting to jam-pack it full of messages. Those kinds of Ads end up coming out like this:

“Here at Motor Mechanics we have the best prices, the most reliable staff, the friendliest customer service, more knowledge than any other mechanic in Perth, superior products, amazing specials….”

Did remember everything? If so, we applaud you.

When you try to send too many messages, it ends up diluting them all. People tune out really quickly, so you should stick to one clear message and make it well.

  1. Voice Over Artist

This point is often overlooked, but the right voice over artist can really make a difference in your Ad.

This is because the voice over artist is the person who is going to be talking on your brand’s behalf. The wrong voice over artist will give people the wrong impression about your Ad.

  1. Don’t Oversell

Retail Ads are usually the guiltiest of this, but an Ad that is overselling is sure to get people to tune out.

The way to avoid this is to be honest. What are the true benefits of your business, and what information do you have to prove it? People appreciate honesty much more than they appreciate “the most amazing blender in the universe.”-eque Ads.

  1. Frequency

A general rule of thumb is that you want your TV Ad to be seen a minimum of 3 times by your customers in order for them to be able to recall the Ad effectively.

Talk with your Ad Agency to devise a media plan that will ensure that this minimum requirement is met.

If you would like to obtain a FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide To TV Advertising In Perth, then please download our Ebook below:

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Car Radio

The Benefits Of Branding With Radio

The beauty of branding is that it isn’t about selling, but connecting. It’s a way to build trust with your customers and let them know what kindof business you are. 

While branding ads also tell people whatit is you do, it’s more about leaving a good impression on your audience. Kind of like meeting someone for the first time, it’s important to make them feel good and like they can trust you.


Radio is a great medium for reaching your customers, because it allows you to reach your customers on a regular basis and in environments that they normally don’t get targeted.

One example of this is reaching people at work. Many workplaces have the radio playing in the background. In fact, according to Roy Morgan, the average Australian employee spends almost two and a half hours listening to radio on an average weekday. This makes work the perfect environment for letting customers know about your business.


Because each station can vary quite differently from one another in terms of its choice of music, style and format, they each attract a unique audience. This means you are able to target different markets by playing on different stations.

For example, these radio stations in Perth have the following breakdowns:

  • 92.9 – Predominately younger station. They are known for mainly top-40 pop music. In terms of demographics, they own approximately 15% of the ages between 10-24
  • 6IX & 6PR – Combined, they collect about 50% of the market that is over 40 years old.
  • NOVA – Over 50% of people under the age of 24 who listen to the radio, listen to NOVA.
  • MIX 94.5 – 15% of every age group (from 10-65) that listened to the radio, listened to 94.5.
  • 96FM – The majority of 96FM’s listeners sit in the 18-54 markets. They have a pretty even foothold (about 15%) of the listeners in every demographic echelon.


According to an advertising survey by Clutch, Radio advertising was the third most trusted advertising medium, ahead of billboards, online and social media (and behind print and TV). 


One of the biggest benefits of using radio advertising is that it is a very cost-effective medium. For business owners that are smaller, or just more budget-conscious, it can be the perfect medium.

Branding on radio is also very an effective way to advertise (especially when compared to the cost). According to a study to a study by Nielsen, for every $1 invested into radio advertising has a return of $6.

This increases even more when combined with other mediums in an integrated campaign.

Moving Forward

Branding with radio is a brilliant way to build trust and convert potential customers into lifelong brand advocates.  

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