TV Marketing for Small Business Owners

A Guide To TV Marketing For Small Business Owners

When we talk to business ownders that are thinking about doing TV Advertising for small business, they almost always ask the same questions.

Is it going to cost too much?

Is it going to be expensive?

How much is it?

Is it worth the money?

Noticing a trend? The prices related to TV marketing for small business is usually the biggest concern for smaller business owners. This is completely understandable, as TV tends to cost the most compared to other mediums. This cost tends to deter many small business owners from including Television into their advertising catalogue.

Is this trepidation necessary? Are the ways around it? Do you even need TV advertising as a small business?

If you have thought about these questions in relation to how to promote your business with TV., then keep reading.

Is TV Advertising Necessary For Small Businesses?

Like most questions about advertising, there are rarely any black-and-white answers. TV advertising can be necessary (or at least, very effective) for some small businesses and unnecessary for others. This is dependent on some of the following things:


If you’re one of those business owners similar to the ones we were mentioning earlier, you are probably wary about pricing. We recommend that you download our FREE TV EBOOK BELOW to get a more detailed pricing description.

If the investment into TV marketing for your small business seems to be too much, then it is probably worth looking down some other avenues. RadioPrint and Digital marketing are all great options that can be used to promote your small business first, then you can use TV later once you have the budget.


The type of industry that you are in can also determine whether you advertise on TV. For example, if you are primarily a business-to-business manufacturer, it is unlikely that you will need to advertise on TV. Your audience is much smaller, so spending money on a large campaign, which will largely be wasted on ‘everyday people’, is not effective.

If you are a local restaurant for example, then letter-drops or digital advertising is much more cost effective.

Sometimes TV isn’t the best medium for your business. Targeted print campaigns or direct mail or radio can sometimes be much better and much more cost effective, depending on your industry.

Your Target Audience’s Viewing Habits

TV advertising has changed over the last 10 years. There are now thousands options available for viewers watching TV. Free to air TV, Foxtel, Digital TV and more gives people a huge choice and each choice has its own price tag attached.

For example, advertising on Regional TV as a small business is more cost effective than free-to-air TV. Digital TV is also more cost effective.

You should asses your target audience and see when they are watching their TV. Depending on their method of choice, TV could be an option.

TV is a great medium with tons of potential for influencing buyers. In fact, TV is the number one influencer of purchasing decisions for any advertising medium. However, as with everything in marketing, you should do what is right for your business.

If you would like to obtain a FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide To TV Advertising In Perth, then please download our Ebook below:

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