3 Ways To Improve Customer Loyalty

3 Ways To Improve Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is the key factor in building a thriving business. The trust customers give a specific brand is what determines a business’ success.But how do you keep customers loyal? What are the most efficient ways of improving your relationship with ...

15th Dec

Humour In Advertising

Humour is a tool that has been used since the dawn of advertising’s conception. People love things that are funny and we are naturally attracted to humour. The funny person at the party is always the one that has people gathered around them listening. Hum ...

8th Dec

A Snapshot Of Christmas Advertising

Tis’ the season!Merry Christmas!Happy Holidays!Okay now that’s out of the way, let’s get on with the blog.Every year, the Christmas season seems to begin earlier than the last. Even as early as mid-October we are seeing advertisements for Christmas gifts ...

Apple Logo

Tips For Effective Logo Design

https://www.adimpact.com.au/blog/3-ways-to-improve-your-logo When asked to picture the original Apple logo, most early adopters will think of the rainbow coloured rendition of Apple’s current design. However, there exists another logo – one from 1976­ – t ...

Video Image

Video’s Rise To Dominance

The birth of the oral tradition, after many thousands of years of refinement, gave rise to its successor, the written word. Similarly, after nearly 100 years of development, photography birthed film as a means of communication. For every medium, there exi ...